Selasa, 19 April 2016

How To Jump Higher An Effective Workout For Lazy People

Do you ever wish that you could jump as high as your favorite athlete? Or jump high enough to dunk a basketball? The fact is you can. And with the right training and proper form you can do it with little effort.

Jumping higher is a skill that anyone can acquire. And once developed you can keep this skill for most of your life. If you play basketball or volleyball then you will greatly benefit from acquiring how to jump higher.

The main benefit of jumping higher in volleyball is to have the power to spike the ball. You will be able to spike it harder and faster. And you will also have the ability to stop an opposing players spike effectively. Which is awesome to see.

In basketball, one of the main benefits to learning how to jump higher is being able to dunk. And as you get even better you can add style and flair that will impress anyone watching.

Did you know that a majority of individuals wish they could dunk. But few will actually achieve this dream. And it’s not because they can’t, but because they don’t want to work at it. Are you willing to put in some work to achieve your dreams?

If so then keep reading because I’m going to show you an exercise that you can do right now to increase your vertical or start dunking. And no it’s not plyometric exercises.

Alright, so you made the decision to go for it. Now you need to promise me that you will continue to work hard in your training. Alright?

So let us begin. Now here is an exercise that will help you with your explosion. This explosion will lift you right off the ground with such force that people around you will stare with a surprised look. Okay, that is a little bit of an overstatement but you get my point.

Here’s the key. It’s NOT about repetition. It’s all about the intensity of the workout. This is what most people fail to realize. And the biggest reason why they fail to achieve any results. You need to workoute at 80% of your max. But just to be safe you want to start off with light weights and then move up.  

Anyway, I call this the calf explosion exercise. For two reasons, one you will gain vertical explosion from this and second because you are going to explode when going up with the weights. Let me explain.

Find a calf machine or some other calf machine that is available to use. Load with enough weights so that you can do about 8 reps. Again, start light then move up to the proper weights.

Rest the weight on the front part of your foot. Slowly lower the weights, (if you find yourself unable to control the weight then you need to go lighter) stop when you feel you can not go any lower and EXPLODE back up to the starting position. Keep doing this for 3 to 5 sets. That is 3 to 5 sets of 8 reps.

After successfully completing this exercise your calf muscle should feel exhausted. And as you continue to do this workout you will see remarkable results in your vertical. But if you want even better and faster results on how to jump higher then you should check out the jump manual guide. This is a downloadable guide that comes with a complete workout chart, videos, even more effective exercises, and a personal trainer. You can read the detailed jump manual review here to see the full details of this effective program.

If you do not have access to the gym then it’s okay. The jump manual provides alternative exercises for you to do at home. This guide has helped hundreds of athletes and everyday folks. I’m pretty sure it can probably work out for you.

Attaining your dreams of dunking is possible. And you will be one of the few who will ever achieve that if you continue to work and train hard. Many people go through life wishing for something and not achieving it because they don’t work for it. Don’t be them. Just do it!

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