Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Fun Activities for Boys at Summer Camp

There are some core activities and supporting activities undertaken at while they attend summer camp in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. The core activities are undertaken by the campers under the watchful guidance of guides on a daily basis during the sessions. They are: Canoe Tripping, Swimming/Aquatics, Paddling, Earth Lore, and Ropes-Challenge. Stamina and skill building activities are regarded as supporting activities and they include: kayaking, sailing, mountain biking, archery, arts and crafts, and general athletics, which include basketball, volleyball, soccer and softball, tetherball, and disc golf. With so much water around, canoe trip camps and wilderness canoe trips remain the dominating activities at summer camp.

Boys’ camps in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada are extremely action packed. The fun activities make the young campers remember them for a life time and make them to keep coming back every year. A typical day starts somewhere at 7 am and boys gather around the morning Flag Pole at 8:20 am. Breakfast follows after that. Breakfast and meals at theboys’ campsin camp are delicious. The candy store also ensures that the kids do not miss out on their favorite candies in the wilderness.

There are periods after breakfast where important things pertaining to different activities are explained to campers. Then they break out in groups to hone their skills at various support activities that include: rope-challenge, wall climbing, and swimming. The activities continue till 1 pm, which is lunch time. An hour of rest follows lunch and then it is time for the main activities that a camper has opted. In the evening, after supper more delightful activities are lined up for campers. Small kids go to bed at 9 pm and for older kids “lights out” time is 10 pm.

Activities and their durations are designed to suit the age of a camper. Boys in the age group of 7-16 and young men in the age group of 16-21 have different activities to choose from depending on their interest and abilities. Some events, such as the canoe trip, span as little as 3 days to as much as 7 weeks. New boys in the age group of 7-8 can learn the ropes about camping skills in a program called “Mic Mac” that spans for one week. For first timer boys in the 9-11 age group there is a special program that spans for 13 days. The boys woodcraft camp as well as historic summer camps are special camps concentrating on specific activities. Older boys with experience in camping go for the full 7 week sessions to explore the trails completely, well, as much as possible. Their canoe trips often involve shooting the rapids and may include wilderness canoe trips. Then there are wild river canoeing for bigger boys which requires years of canoeing experience.

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