Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

Outdoor Recreation in a Recession

Times are tough. I know it… you know it… everyone knows it. Many people are no longer able or wanting to spend the big bucks that some outdoor sports require. Boating for example can be a very expensive outdoor recreational activity. Gas prices have sky-rocketed and storage fees are high. Fun and carefree days out on the motorboat are no longer a stress-free activity.

Outdoor recreation should not only be enjoyed by everyone but it should also cost very little if any money as well as be completely stress and worry free. There are enough things to be concerned with without having to worry about not being able to enjoy the great outdoors with our family and friends.

Luckily there are several fantastic activities that cost very little money, if any at all. The outdoor recreation activities below can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

  • Frisbe at the park
  • Hiking in the trails – if you have kids with you it can be really fun to do a treasure hunt (with a little pre-planning
  • Geo-caching
  • Riding bikes
  • Badminton
  • Basketball or volleyball games

All of the above activities are freebies… meaning you don’t need to spend money to be able to enjoy them. One of my personal favorite all time outdoor activities happens to be kayaking. It can cost money to purchase a kayak of course or even to rent a kayak. If you are used to boating though I guarantee you the costs are minimal compared to running a gas-guzzling motorboat.

Kayaks are self-powered and eco-friendly. They do no harm to the environment and allow for some excellent exercise. I love the inflatable kayaks as they can be easily transported and taken anywhere.

In my opinion the days of big gas powered boats are numbered. The costs to run them are simply too high and the destruction they are doing to our waters and our shorelines are practically irreparable. Kayaking is the perfect outdoor activity while in a recession. The kayak business is booming and it is not necessary to spend a bundle. There are several great quality inflatable kayaks that can be purchased for a decent price and enjoyed by the whole family.

The point is that just because money is tight, do not allow it to keep you from enjoying the outdoors. We are so fortunate to have such a beautiful world to live in and getting out for a huge gulp of fresh air doesn’t cost a cent.

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