Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

Workouts To Jump Higher – Do Squats Help You Jump Higher?

If you are serious about training effectively for basketball or other sports, workouts to jump higher are something you need to include. There are a few different ways that you can approach this goal. A good rule of thumb is to alternate days where you are working to increase your overall level of fitness and other days where you are specifically working on the height of your jumps.

You may wonder why it is important to increase your overall fitness. It is quite simple. It will not matter how high you can jump if you are unable to keep up with other players on the court. You may miss the opportunity to get your hands on the ball if you are out of breath and can’t keep up. Or, if you are competing in other sports such as volleyball or high jump, the rest of your performance may also suffer if you are not in top physical condition.

On days when you are not specifically training in jumping, try to make sure you get in a good aerobic workout. Whether this is jogging, jumping rope or using an exercise bike it does not matter. You should, however, be staying away from the elliptical machine. While they are excellent at getting your heart rate up, you may find that they are not as good for keeping your legs in shape as other fitness machines.

Lifting weights is good. Include weights that will build some muscle in your legs and make sure that you work the muscles evenly. Often, a muscle will have two or three different areas that must be targeted using different machines or movements. A good example is your quadriceps. You need to work all areas of this in order to make sure that your knees are as protected as possible. This can mean shifting your foot position on the leg press machine or performing a range of leg exercises.

On days when jumping exercises are your focus, you should still spend the first few minutes warming up. This can mean jogging a little or jumping rope for a few minutes. Then, before your legs get tired you need to move on to the jumping exercises themselves. You should exercise your knees by performing deep knee bends. Don’t force the motion and only bend as deeply as you can without feeling any discomfort. Work at being able to increase the number of deep knee bends you are doing over time. You should also be working at increasing the force of your jump. You should practice jumping from a deep knee bend as this will help you increase the height to which you can leap. Keeping track of how high you can jump will allow you to chart your progress and train more effectively.

Workouts to jump higher are most effective when they are consistent and when you constantly challenge the body. By changing the order in which you do the exercises or by swapping exercises in and out over time you will find you end up with better results. It may take time to increase your jumping power but your performance and your health will thank you for it.

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