Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

Summer Cottage Guest Rules

Last summer our family invited some friends from the city up to our cottage for a week. We thought it would be a great experience for all of us to laugh and relax in the country with our friends whom we’ve known for years. It turned out quite differently than we had planned. Our friends, whom are very detail oriented and have a pristinely clean home, created a hurricane of waste and mess in our cottage not ever seen before. According to them when they were leaving, it was a great experience to not have to think about upkeep, cleanliness, and just relax. This was shocking, and disappointing to us.

This summer, due to the current economic climate, we have received several requests from friends to spend their vacations with us at the cottage. Apprehension was our first response. We did not want a repeat of last year’s calamity, but did want to see and spend time with people we love. It dawned on me a few days later to draw up a list of rules (dos and don’ts) to follow when visiting. We forwarded this list to all who would be visiting, so that we would not have to remind everyone that just because they are on vacation, they must still be respectful to us and our cottage.
This is the list of rules we posted:


– Plan ahead. Let us know when you plan to arrive and depart. It helps us to plan for the visit and make arrangements with others to plan for theirs.

– Bring what you will need. We cannot supply you with toiletries and personal products, so bring what you’ll need. Also, we do have an extra bed for 2, beyond that bring a sleeping bag or blankets and pillows if necessary. Bring some beer or wine, food you like, movies and board games for entertainment.

– Get involved. Even though you are there to relax and unwind, help to create that for everyone by lending a hand by cooking, tidying, starting a fire, etc. We are not your maid service, it’s our vacation too.

– Be considerate. If there is something special you would like to share, bring it along. Wine, baked goods, flowers, home decorations, we would love a memento from you to mark your stay.


– Show up unexpectedly, with others in tow and expect a warm welcome. This will be stressful to all and lead to an awkward stay.

– Whine about being bored. Relaxation sometimes gets confused with boredom. We would rather you entertained yourself with a hike or a day at the beach, than sit around waiting for us to entertain you.

– Waste our water. We have a small amount to work with so take quick showers and please bring your dirty clothes back home with you; don’t expect to do it at the cottage.

– Get too comfortable. We want you to feel welcome and at home, however don’t take it over. Hogging space or food is not appreciated.

– Think of this vacation as a good time to get wasted. A few drinks and laughs is great, drunk, obnoxious people are not.

After our friends received the list, we received replies filled with thanks and applause. It seems that they too needed some guidance to their stay. Hopefully this summer will be filled with relaxation, fun, and good friends who are already aware of the things which will enhance and sour the whole experience. Good luck to you and your summer cottage experiences.

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