Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

Dodge Ball Safety

Dodge Ball has been around for many years it is played mostly in physical education class but there are also leagues popping up all over the place.  While adult league can get away with being rough it is a good idea to play as safe as possible in physical education class.

Basic Play: There are 4-10 players per a team/side.  The dodge balls are placed on the center line at the start of the game and the players start at the back line.  The number of balls depends on the number of players in the game.  You can have enough balls for each player or a couple less to make it interesting.  The ref of the game yells dodge ball and the players run to the center line to collect the balls.  Once a ball is collected the player needs to run back behind the safety line before he or she can throw the ball at a person on the opposing team.  If person is hit by a ball they are out of the game and sit in the out area.  The only way someone can get back in the game is if a person on their team catches a ball that is thrown at them.  If a ball is caught then a player from the side that the ball was caught goes back into the game.  The object of the game is to get everybody on the opposing team out.

There are many different kinds of balls that can be used in the game of dodge ball but the safest is the Rhino skin foam dodge ball.  This ball is not only safe but affordable.  The ball measure 6″ so it is perfect for any size hands.  These balls are made tough so they can take the abuse of a physical education class.  These balls come in rainbow sets of 6 as well and are available at http://ift.tt/1mGyNvx.

While dodge ball may seam like a rough activity and safety should be a concern at all times, the game offers many valuable skills.  It teaches teamwork, agility, and situational awareness.  Situational awareness is a term used by fighter pilots, it is basically the skill of always knowing what is going on in your surroundings.  Being observant to the point that your defensive guard can react to any incoming obstacle.  This is a skill that should be developed throughout ones life and is useful in situations from driving to business negotiations.  So next time you are teaching dodge ball, just think, you may be training a future fighter pilot!

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