Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

Reduce Stress, Calm Nerves and Feel Happy

Reduce Stress, Calm Nerves, and Feel Happy

Stress Management is an important part of any health improvement program. There are many ways to reduce stress. Here are some of the best we’ve found. If you can turn these ideas into action and then habit, you’ll create a life long coping strategy that will become second nature all year long.

Eat a Balanced, Nutritious Diet.

Carbohydrates cause your brain to trigger the production of serotonin which makes you feel happy. Sweet potatoes, pastas, rice or popcorn are always good.

The capsaicin in hot peppers also cause your brain to trigger endorphins that will make you feel happy. Learn to cook with hot pepper. Sprinkle hat pepper flakes on your food.

Foods high in the B vitamins and magnesium help convert triptophan into serotonin  to help your body relax. Try artichokes, stuffing, baked beans, sardines, avocados, chard, spinach and other dark green, leafy vegetables.

Studies have shown a diet high in vitamin C and beta carotene can reduce stress. Try strawberries, melons, citrus fruit, tomatoes, acorn squash and carrots.

Eat foods high in fiber to keep your body systems functioning. If your body is not functioning properly you’ll feel sluggish and out of sorts, which causes stress. Fruits, vegetables and grains will help.

Foods containing potassium, such as, potatoes, oranges, tomatoes, celery,  avocados, kiwi and bananas help you think clearly and calmly.  Dandelion roots and leaves are also good.

Drink plenty of water. When you don’t get enough water your body becomes dehydrated, causing you to feel stressed and sluggish. When your body is dehydrated it cannot properly eliminate the toxins from your body.

Get Enough Sleep

Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep every day. If you have trouble sleeping, try some of these natural herbs at bedtime.

Chamomile tea is know for it’s relaxing and immune building qualities. Steep one teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers in one cup boiling water. Strain and drink whenever you feel stressed or at bedtime to relax.

Passionflower relaxes your nerves and muscles without any sedating effect. Make the tea according to the directions for chamomile.

Kava comes in capsule form and works by relaxing nerves and muscles and relieving pain. For some people it works as well as common anti-anxiety medications. Take at bedtime for a good nights sleep.

Valerian (capsules) calms the nervous system. Some researchers believe that Valerian has an effect similar to  prescription medications but without the side effects.


One of the most effective ways to reduce stress and lift your mood is exercise. It’s a proven fact that people who exercise have a better outlook on life. It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise but it does have to be fun or you wont do it.

Walking is one of the easiest exercises. Go at your own pace and have fun. Walk with a friend or take your dog.

Swimming is also easy and fun. If you can’t swim, don’t worry. Just hang on the edge of the pool and do some leg lifts.

Gardening, though not always considered exercise, is at least moving, bending and stretching. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, which in turn, makes you feel better and then you sleep better.

Join an exercise group or dance class. Try square dancing. It’s a lot of fun and you’ll really get your heart pumping. Get several friends to join with you. It’s always more fun with people you know and like.

For the more energetic, there’s tennis, golf, volley ball, etc. Don’t worry about being good at the game. Just get some friends together and have fun.

Recognize the Things that Cause you Stress.

Sometimes it’s not the situation that causes stress, but the way you react to it. You may not be able to control what happens in your life but you can control the way you react. Thoughts are powerful. They can cause stress or they can relieve stress.

When you feel yourself losing control or getting angry, take a few deep breaths and think of something else. Something pleasant. Think about a place or time when you were happy. Imagine you’re there. Try to imagine the good smells coming from your mother’s kitchen when you were a child. Remember how loved and safe you felt.

Imagine strolling through a grove of fragrant pine trees. Listen to the wind softly rustling  the pine needles. Hear the quiet sound of running water in a nearby stream. Listen to the birds singing. Watch the fleecy white clouds drifting overhead.

Someone once said, “There is nothing either good or bad, except thinking makes it so.”  Always try to think happy, positive thoughts. When you find yourself thinking a negative thought, stop. Replace it with a positive thought.

Stress happens. It’s an ongoing problem. You can’t expect to solve it in a day but by practicing the steps outlined above you’ll find your stress level declining. With less stress you’ll find your life much more enjoyable. You’ll feel better and look younger and you’ll have more time for friends and family. Maybe, even for yourself.

Find more ways to relieve stress at http://ift.tt/1q1M4q2.

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