Minggu, 15 Mei 2016

Fun Fitness Things Kids Can Do at Home

Sometimes we look at fitness as being rigid, boring and a lot of work. It doesn’t have to be, especially if you’re a kid! There are a ton of things to do that will help you lose weight or grow into your weight and the best part of all is that you won’t even notice that it’s exercise. It’s just fun!

1. One of the easiest activities is to put your favorite song on and see how many times you can do something while it is playing. There are many activities that you can do while listening to your song, perhaps running up and down the stairs, running round the house, jumping rope, pretty much anything. You can then challenge yourself and try to beat your first attempt. If you try to do this every day then you will find it an exciting and challenging way to lose weight.

2. Build an obstacle course! This is a great activity because it can be done any time, any where using whatever is around. Anything is fair game for obstacles – garden hoses, buckets, tables to crawl under…you name it. One of the best parts about building obstacle courses is that they allow kids to be creative. If you want, you can time the kids and try to get them to beat their previous best times.

3. Animal races. Pick an animal, any animal. Okay, not a three-toed sloth! Try mimicking an animal all the way across the yard or across a large room: Kangaroo hop, cheetah dash, angry ostrich run, warthog charge, deer leaps, Tasmanian devil spin, jackrabbit sprongs, duck waddle (imagine a duck that’s forgotten how to fly being chased by a golden retriever). Get creative. If you have someone to play this with, you can race each other. Make the choosing easy be grabbing an animal encyclopedia and with eyes closed, flip open the book and point to something on the page. Whatever you get is what you have to mimic! Pray you don’t pick a snake!

4. Our fourth suggestion is an outside game. You need to get volleyball or another fairly soft ball; you could also use a balloon. You need plenty of space and then you can try to keep the ball in the air by hitting it with your fingers or arms. Try and keep it in the air for as long as possible. Although you can play this inside it is easier and safer if you play it outside.

5. Imaginary gym equipment – this is as simple as it sounds. Instead of investing gym equipment, let the kids get creative with it. Have them “jump rope” with an imaginary rope, or something similar. The best part of this activity is that the kids are instantly experts at whatever activity they choose. No more getting caught learning how to jump rope – just time enjoying the activity.

For more fun fitness ideas, attend a kid’s weight loss or fitness camp! Ask your mom or dad to check one out today! They are loads of fun and you’ll meet tons of kids that just might become your fitness buddies.

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