Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Women in Professional Sports

What comes to mind when you think of a sports star? In most cases, the first thought is undoubtedly how attractive that person is. Saying that sports stars have always been sex symbols is by no means too far-fetched. Long before music and movie stars began to attract people’s attention and win millions of hearts, sports stars were enjoying the same privileges. In fact, we could go as far as saying that worshiping sports stars goes back as far as the history of sports itself.  And we all know that it’s more the athletes’ performance that makes them so attractive and popular rather than their good looks.

The presence of women in the professional sports scene is fairly recent, at least compared to the history of sports, which, as we all know, dates back to ancient times. But this is no wonder, since women have gained most of the rights they have now only recently. However, women in professional sports have quickly succeeded in becoming respected and idolized. And once again, there is hardly any claim that this popularity of women in professional sports or women in college sports is the direct result of their physical appearance and attractiveness. However, there is something about women in professional sports that makes them very appealing from a sexual point of view.

As has been said before, women’s emancipation has allowed them to enter a considerable wide and varied range of fields of activity that were once considered to be exclusively for men and sports are no exception. As a result, the number of women in professional sports has gradually increased and today their performance is just as acclaimed as that of male athletes. Women in professional sports have proven able to attract the same admiration and support as males, with similarly large number of fans watching their performances and encouraging them to win.

There are many sports that were thought to be inaccessible to women, mostly due to women’s physical traits, but female athletes have managed to prove otherwise. Not only are women in professional sports just as good as men, but it’s safe to say that there are a number of sports in which women’s performances are far greater than those of male athletes. Rhythmic gymnastics, for instance, is a clear example of the fact that male athletes are definitely not the only ones who can perform to an exhilarated audience and bring together a large number of supporters. There are many other sports in which women have proven to be just as competent as men. As a result, throughout the last century we have witnessed a growing encouragement for women to participate in college sports. Nowadays, women in college sports are as numerous as men, with a growing interest for sports which were once considered to be designed exclusively for male athletes.

All in all, women may have only recently gained the right to an equal chance in sports, but they quickly proved that women in professional sports are by no means inferior to men in the same sports and that their performances are as worthy of support and admiration as those of male athletes.

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