Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Increase Vertical Jumping In Volleyball Or Basketball

Is it really possible to increase vertical jumping quickly?  Is jumping higher really that important?  If you desire to have the competitors edge, learning how to jump higher is vital.  In basketball, when you increase your vertical jump, your jump shot will be better, along with rebounding the basketball.  As a defensive player, you will be more effective if you are able to jump higher in order to block your competitors shot.  In many sports, including basketball, vertical jumping will provide you an advantage, making you a better athlete.  In this article, you will learn three ways to help increase vertical jumping now.

1. Weight Lifting and Plyometric Exercises

You can increase vertical explosion with plyometric exercises.  Plyometrics helps develop quick muscle fibers needed to improve vertical by training your muscles to explode quickly.  Over time, plyometric training increases the amount of force you can produce and therefore plyometrics are effective in making you more explosive. This leads to improved sports performance, a higher vertical jump, and faster sprinting times.

To clear a myth up, plyometric exercises are not made for improving conditioning or endurance. They are specifically designed for improving reactive and explosive strength. Plyometric training offer a wide array of benefits ranging from improve vertical jump, improved sprinting speed, better explosiveness, improved ability to absorb force, and better agility.  Plyometrics are meant to be performed very fast, attempting to reach maximum and with long rest periods in between sets. Too often you see athletes trying to do 5 sets of 10 depth jumps with 1 minute of rest in between. This may help develop endurance, but not explosiveness, which is needed to increase your vertical or jump higher.

2.  Agility Drills, Intervals, and Sprints

One example of an exercise you can do is called dynamic step overs.  It is simply jumping over a object like a box or a bench.  The idea is to go from one side of the box to the other as quickly as possible. Start on the right side of the box and quickly step sideways to the left and on to the box. Jump off of the left foot and over to the left side leaving your right foot on the box. Quickly step up with the right leg and jump to the right side. Repeat side to side for 10 repetitions on each side. You need to quickly jump from one side to the other spending as little time on the ground as possible. As you get better and better, increase the height of the box to make it more intense.

Since working on muscle explosion is vital for increasing your vertical , sprints and interval are good exercises to do. When you sprint or run as fast as you can, your quick fiber muscles between the hamstrings, quads, and calves are stressed but also developing.  Those are the same muscles used to jump higher.

3. Decrease Your Body Weight

Excess weight does put more stress on your ankles and knees.  You will improve your vertical jump by simply reducing the overall fat deposit of your body.  This means you may have to change your diet, less “junk” food to healthy alternatives.  Basketball players are encouraged to have more muscle than fat  because it improves one’s speed, reaction time, and agility on the court.  Common sense tells us it will also increase your jumping abilities.

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